Geaux Wider Program
Photography Services Request for Proposal.
May 19, 2010
I am writing you to inquire about photography services needed for the Geaux Wider interstate widening
program. This program encompasses as many as six widening projects on I-10 and I-12 in Baton Rouge,
including a ramp metering system along I-12.
The photography services would be managed by PB America’s Inc., a sub-consultant to the Prime
Contractor – GEC Inc. — overseeing the construction program for the Louisiana Department of
Transportation & Development (DOTD). PB is part of the Geaux Wider Program Communications Team.
Generally, we are looking for the following:
At least monthly photography of all ongoing projects in the 16-mile corridor that make up
construction along I-12 and I-10, including ramp metering.
Selection of no more than 20 of your best photos (as judged by you, or directed by Geaux Wider
project team) to be placed on the Web site either by you or one of the
GeauxWider Communications Team members.
o Placement of these photos on a CD/DVD and delivered to the Geaux Wider
Communications Team.
o If people are in the photo, ID’s must be secured by the photographer, as well as project
and location and work being done. Essentially, a caption or cut line.
A quarterly slide show production utilizing 30-40 of the best photos.
At the end of the project, creation of a portfolio in chronological order utilizing the photos and
information from the captions.
NOTE: All of the above would be conducted from when the work begins through mid-2013.
Darrel W. Cole
Communications Specialist
Parsons Brinckerhoff
O: 225-906-1443
C: 225-223-8233