NOPA Grants for Photographers
Every year, we offer 2-5 grants to outstanding artists with the Michael P. Smith Fund, Clarence John Laughlin Award, and PhotoNOLA Annual Grant. Special thanks to our sponsors for their continued support.
Recent Grant News
All updates pertaining to upcoming or ongoing applications and results will appear on this page.
To stay informed on grant opportunities and results, sign up for our newsletter or follow us on social media.
2024 Michael P. Smith Fund
The New Orleans Photo Alliance is excited to announce the open applications for the Michael P. Smith Fund for Documentary Photography (MPS Fund). This fund was established to honor the life and work of Michael P. Smith, one of New Orleans’ most legendary and beloved documentary photographers. The MPS Fund awards cash prizes and exhibition…
CLJ 2018 Grantee
The Laid Table is a very personal meditation on beauty, fecundity, fragility and the inevitable march of time. Each image is staged as it appears in the image, no post production manipulation is used.
MPS 2020 Grantee
Chasing Light is an ongoing (circa 2011) collaborative photography project between twin siblings Bianca and riel Sturchio. Chasing Light embodies the belief that representation, visibility, autonomy, and truth-telling can promote personal empowerment, and open up access to spaces that foster meaningful dialogue and community.
The Clarence John Laughlin Award 2020
ELIGIBILITY Both emerging and established photographers residing in the U.S. may apply. The New Orleans Photo Alliance invites photographers working in all mediums, styles, and schools of thought to apply. Still images made from all photographic processes, both traditional and digital will be considered. There are no restrictions on subject matter or genres. Traditional, contemporary,…
2018 Finalists: Clarence John Laughlin Award
[one_half][/one_half] The Clarence John Laughlin Award was created by the New Orleans Photo Alliance to support the work of photographers who use the medium as a means of creative expression. It honors the life and work of Clarence John Laughlin (1905-1985), a New Orleans photographer best known for his surrealist images of the American South.…