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Ariya Aladjem Wolf

    Much of my creative work over the past two decades relies on collaboration and cooperation. I am a founding member of Southerly Gold, an all-female photography collective, and also a performer in the vocal ensemble Serpentine, who use sound and activated spaces to promote transformation and healing. After Hurricane Katrina, I co-founded One Bird/The New Orleans Kid Camera Project, an organization devoted to community youth arts programming.

    In 2022 I completed a personal, long-term project called Beyond Family. The project is comprised of portraits and landscapes that were created with an 8×10 camera and an artist’s book, Somewhere is so Familiar. The photographs reflect my upbringing in a Zen Buddhist community and the significance that the community still holds. A recent series of photographs, cyanotypes, and sculptures explore the dreaming life of objects, their erotic potential, and their communicative abilities.