Stop by NOPA on your Art for Arts’ Sake meanderings!
Opening Reception: SAT OCT 2 | 6-9pm
NOPA Gallery
1111 St. Mary
New Orleans, LA
‘It’s a shame that the only thing a man can do for eight hours a day is work. He can’t eat for eight hours; he can’t drink for eight hours; he can’t make love for eight hours. The only thing a man can do for eight hours is work.’–William Faulkner
There are a relatively few topics we can all relate to, the big ones being birth and death. But what happens in-between, for most of …us, is the process of living, of getting by, of succeeding, of toil, and of searching. Work could be your job, your 9-5, it could be someone else’s, or it could be the absence of employment, an affliction all too common in this day and age. Work is what we do to feed us physically, emotionally, mentally. Juried by Andy Adams of
“WoRK” is different in that it has a sister-show at the Lawrence Percolator in Lawrence, KS entitled, “.art on the clock.” These shows will be linked up the evening of OCT 23 as their show closes and we have a WoRK party. Should you have to miss this opening, please make sure and join us OCT 23!
(image: “Burning The Fields” by Will Jacks)