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Announcing “Crude Evidence”

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David Bram of Fraction magazine, and Stella Kramer announce the permiere of a new blog, Crude Evidence , a platform for photographers and others to document the impact of the BP Gulf oil disaster and to discuss other issue relating to oil and energy. We are looking for contributions from anyone photographing in the Gulf—whether in Louisiana, Alabama or Florida.

Please send up to 5 images (700 pixels wide at 72dpi), your full name, web address and date and location of work to us at You can also follow us on Twitter.

We hope to see this blog as a place where work will be created and seen by all, and will inspire photographers and witnesses, both professional and amateur to document this catastrophe on all levels so that the information is available to all.

We encourage all of you to get out there and let us know what is happening. We’re here for you.