The Second Edition of the WPGA Annual Photography Competition announces a call to artists.
Early bird deadline: Apr. 24
WPGA will honor the overall winners with the Pollux Awards in the Gala Ceremony to be held in Madrid, in the Circle of Fine Arts, November 2010, benefiting Save the Children.
3 sections: professional, amateur, student
25 thematic categories
2 genres: single image and protfolio
450 award opportunities
Selected among thousands of photographers from all over the world, Dilip Bhatia (2009 1st Prize, WPGA Photographer of the Year, above), Larry Louie, Tom Atwood, John Delaney, Antonio Bolfo, David Zimmerman, Tom Chambers, Navid Baraty, and Lorne Resnick were the main awardees in the 2009 WPGA Annual Competition. Now this second edition offers new and outstanding recognition opportunities for professional and non-professional photographers worldwide.
All prizes include a free round trip ticket and 3-days lodging to attend the Awards Ceremony, which will take place in Madrid at The Circle of Fine Arts in November 2010. Pollux Statue.
WPGA 2010 Professional Photographer of the Year:
$5,000 (USD) cash prize
WPGA Amateur Photographer of the Year:
$3,000(USD) cash prize
WPGA 2010 Emerging Talent of the Year:
$1,500 (USD) cash prize
WPGA Humanitarian Documentary Grant 2010:
$3,000 (USD) cash prize