This is a “Call to Artists” for entries for “The Power of Place” the 8th Annual Grand Isle Juried Exhibition with a deadline of February 1, 2010 for digital entries of original artwork.
Click here for the Prospectus.
The Grand Isle Community Development Team, Inc. (GICDT) with support from the Grand Isle Port Commission and the Town of Grand Isle, invites artists to enter their works with themes relating to the physical, political and emotional landscape asssociated with the only inhabited Louisiana barrier island and its surrounding wetlands. The goal of the Exhibition is to showcase excellent visual art from the region and raise awareness of Louisiana’s fragile but rich coastal environment and continuing loss.
The Exhibition will be held at the Grand Isle Community Center on Highway One, April 10-18, 2010 and is sponsored by Grand Isle Community Development Team, Inc., a non profit organization, along with the Grand Isle Port Commission and the Town of Grand Isle . The 13th Annual Grand Isle Migratory Bird Celebration also is held during that same week.
The Awards reception will be held April 18, 2010 featuring the presentation of Award for Best of Show ($1000) and three Awards of Excellence ($500 each) and Viewers’ Choice Awards ($400).
This program is supported by a grant from the Louisiana Division of the Arts, Office of Cultural Development, Department of Culture, Recreation and Tourism, in cooperation with the Louisiana State Arts Council as administered by the Arts Council of New Orleans.
Contact: Sue Galliano, 504-915-0382, or Martha Ham, 985-787-2229, P. O. Box 944, Grand Isle, LA. 70358.