Helpful Tools for Artists During COVID-19 (active Links in Red)
Financial Resources During COVID-19
- If your employment has been affected by COVID 19, file your unemployment insurance claim here. LAWorks Unemployment
- New Orleans Business Alliance has set up a dedicated COVID-19 relief fund to meet the needs of gig economy workers who have been directly affected by the loss of income.
NOBA Covid-19 Fund - United Way of Southeast Louisiana, Entergy Corporation, and the Louisiana Hospitality Foundation (LHF) have created the Hospitality Cares Pandemic Response Fund.
United Way Hospitality Cares - Louisiana opened a COVID-19 help desk for small businesses. For COVID-19 business questions, LED may be reached at LEDbiz@la.gov or via the toll-free hotline, (833) 457-0531.
Small Business Helpline - Creative Capital started a list of resources and relief funds for artists that will be updated regularly.Creative Capital Relief Resources
- A list of emergency resources compiled by Artwork Archive.
Artwork Archive Resources - A list of COVID-19 Relief Funds compiled by the Creative Collective.
Creative Collective Resources - Anuity.org, a web finance resource, has some helpful COVID-19 related information to help deal with finances
A Guide to COVID-19 and Your Finances