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Dec 15 Street Fair Registration Is Open

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Hello All,

I am pleased to open the PhotoNOLA Photo Alliance Street Fair to our members. It will take place in the 1100 block of St. Mary Street, between Magazine and Sophie Wright Place, from 10am – 3pm on Saturday, December 15th.

The idea behind the block party and street fair is to give our members a venue to make some holiday sales, bring attention to our new location, raise awareness of our organization, and have some fun in the process. 🙂

This is to be both a street fair and a holiday art market, so whether you want
to have a booth to promote your photography business, sell some prints, books or other photo related items, or just come down and party with us, we would love to have you!

Juan’s Flying Burrito has signed on to have a food booth and I will keep you
posted on those developments.

The fee for participation as a vendor is $25. This fee goes to paying for the permit and detail cops. There is a limited amount of space and we are opening this opportunity up to members only.

We will be getting a big tent donated from the Sheriff’s Office!! If you have your own tent set-up, please feel free to bring it.

Participants are encouraged to bring six-foot tables. (They can be purchased for around $35 – check the holiday sale ads.) If you would like to rent a table from the Photo Alliance we have a limited quantity available and can offer them on a first come first serve basis for $5.

To sign up or if you have any questions please email me at:

Please include the following information:
Phone number
Set-up (table and tent, or just table)
A brief description of what you will be presenting
Website URL

This will be the last big event of PhotoNOLA and we are hoping you will all come
out and join us!

Celeste Marshall