Michael McAndrew, a NOPA member and student at the New Orleans Academy of Fine Arts, is asking people to join with him and other Crescent City photographers on a charitable project called Help-Portrait during the holiday season.
NOLA Help-Portait will be holding a portrait event on Sunday, Dec. 12 from noon to 5 p.m. at the New Orleans Musicians Union, located 2401 Esplanade Ave. Live music will be provided by students from the New Orleans Center for Creative Arts. A local chef will serve red beans and rice.
The efforts of Help-Portrait, an organization founded by Nashville-based photographer Jeremy Cowart, are undertaken by photographers, hair stylists, make-up artists, and other volunteers worldwide. The idea is to take portraits of people who wouldn’t normally have access to or be able to afford the services of a professional photographer, and then to give them prints of the portraits.
Those who need prints, the effort organizers note, could be anyone, ranging from families with major medical expenses, families with sick children, the elderly, veterans, struggling performers, or families who never had the opportunity or funds to have a family portrait taken.
Photos taken in connected with Help-Portrait may not be used by photographers for their portfolios, websites, or put up for sale. For more information, you may write helpportraitnola@gmail.com, or contact McAndrew at nolaeventphoto@live.