From Eric Bookhardt, art critic for Gambit Weekly:
Thanks for your interest in the Inside Art New Orleans web site, which has been truly amazing.
As of this week, we have a simpler new web address:
And an expansive new format with more useful links and news items.
The right sidebar now includes:
Gallery Updates–direct links to current exhibitions at leading Nola galleries.
Museums–links to local art museums and cultural institutions.
Major Media–all the leading art magazines and journals.
Plus links to strategic media sites in New York, London and Berlin, with others to be added
in the future (suggestions welcome).
A new section for selected news items and announcements appears in the left sidebar, and
of course our autonomously self-renewing Art News Updates continue as before.
This extends our evolution as a web portal for New Orleans and world art.
Hope you find it useful–and thanks again for your continued interest,
Eric Bookhardt
Inside Art New Orleans