Look @ This F**kin Street: NOPA Juried Exhibition in partnership with @lookatthisfuckinstreet
The New Orleans Photo Alliance and wildly popular local Instagram @lookatthisfuckinstreet announce Look at This F**kin Street, a juried digital exhibition highlighting the spirit that emerges from dysfunctional urban infrastructure.
Navigating infrastructure issues is a part of daily life and conversation for New Orleanians. In the spirit of @lookatthisfuckinstreet and classic street photography, we ask you to submit your finest examples of chaotic infrastructure and/or the human experience with it.
Final selections will be digitally projected at the NOPA Gallery July 1-22, 2022 in conjunction with a NOPA Members Pushpin show. Some selected photographs will be featured on the @lookatthisfuckinstreet Instagram.
Read entry details below before submitting!

Entry Guidelines
- Subject matter is not limited to street infrastructure. Infrastructure includes but is not limited to powerlines, water and sewage, public spaces, etc.
- Primary subject matter is not limited to infrastructure. Photography documenting the people, culture, and/or seasons of New Orleans is encouraged. Photographs should contain or evoke evidence of infrastructure issues in the city.
Entry Fee
- LATFS Submit 1 Image: $15
- LATFS Submit Up to 10 Images: $60
- You will be asked to pay the entry fee through PayPal after you submit. If you paid your fee through GiveNOLA before May 3, Disregard
- Some accepted entries will have the opportunity to be featured on @photoalliance and @lookatthisfuckinstreet Instagram accounts. Additionally, three entries will be awarded “Best in Show”:
- 1st: 1 Copy of Terra Incog by Richard sexton + Bromide NOPA membership, Pothole Watchdog T-shirt
- 2nd: Bromide NOPA Membership, PhotoNOLA T-shirt
- 3rd: Bromide NOPA Membership, PhotoNOLA T-shirt
- Deadline to enter: Friday, June 3
- Notice of entry status: Friday, June 10
- Exhibition: July 1-22
- Public Reception: Saturday, July 9, 5-8 pm
Click here to start your submission!
Up to $500 of entries paid through the GiveNOLA platform will be designated to our community partnership programming. Throughout the year, NOPA works with organizations and schools to provide meaningful photography-centered programming.
Excess proceeds will go to NOPA’s general fund.