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Mash Buhtaydusss, barbie l’hoste + brandt vicknair

    Mash Buhtaydusss is a collaborative art duo native to New Orleans, La.

    opening reception: Saturday, June 10th – 6pm-9pm

    The team breathes new life into decaying spaces by inviting unlikely characters to join them. These characters aid in the invention of imaginative landscapes that become metanarratives in a series of surreal events and disappointments left up for interpretation. Heavy use of satire, nostalgia, and absurdity punctuate each story as we more closely examine our predisposition to assign a greater meaning to the ridiculous events of our own lives.

    A reality of popular culture, social media, corruption, and perversion clash with the ideals of youth to reveal hard truths. In the moments of these abstract stories, we are able to witness the last bits of innocence escape while thinking about the parts of our world that have casually been discarded. 
    View MASH Buhtayduss Exhibit

    Delta Skelta – mixed media collage on canvas, 24″x36″