Press Street, a New Orleans-based literary and visual arts non-profit, is looking for photographs for a book project called How to Rebuild a City: Field Guide From a Work in Progress. The book spotlights the resilience and creativity of the citizens of New Orleans who have filled the civic voids left in the wake of the levee failures: those who hand-painted street signs, started or re-opened businesses against all odds, who tend our parks, re-forest our diminished urban canopy, clean our streets, lobby for stronger levees, and organize campaigns to counter crime and violence, artists and cultural institutions whose work helps people stay hopeful and engaged during the long and difficult reconstruction. Its design and tone is inspired by vintage how-to books and instructional manuals, but we are looking for images which portray the ground-up level of the recovery.
Our deadline is November 9th. Entries can be emailed as jpeg attachments, with a minimum 300 dpi to Anne Gisleson.