Bennett’s Camera will host a seminar featuring nature photographer George Lepp this Saturday, Oct. 9, The photo store-sponsored event will take place between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. at the Sheraton Galleria in Metairie. Admission will be $25.
According to Bennett’s, Lepp will share creative approaches to landscape, macro, and wildlife subjects. The seminar is aimed at nature and outdoor photographers, particularly those interested in digital photography.
Lepp is the field editor of Digital Photo and Outdoor Photographer magazines, where he writes the “Tech Tips” columns. The Colorado Springs CO resident’s stock photography is represented by Getty Images, Corbis, and Photo Researchers. He was one of the first members of Canon USA’s Explorers of Light and Printmasters programs, featuring the industry’s most influential photographers. The photographer and his wife Kathryn recently completed work on a new book, “Wildlife Photography: Stories from the Field.”
More information about the seminar can be found at the Bennett’s Camera website.