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Jim Thorns at The Darkroom

Dear Friend, Please join us this Saturday for the White Linen Night closing of Jim Thorns’ Medley of Melodiesshow, this Saturday from 6 to 9 pm. The show will feature musical performances by Leah Chase, Sharon Martin and Charmaine Neville, as well as poetry by Chuck Perkins and Marie Bookman. I hope to see you… Read More »Jim Thorns at The Darkroom

George Long Photo Exhibit

“We’ve been having trouble with our mail service, 2005” For the second anniversary of the storms thatbroke our hearts but not our spirits,George Long Gallery presents: “Blowing in the Wind” 100 color photographs of New Orleans andsouth Louisiana after Hurricanes Katrina and Rita presented inside the gallery and blowing out on Magazine Street Opening receptions… Read More »George Long Photo Exhibit

“None a Stranger” – Portraits by New Orleans photographer Zack Smith

“None a Stranger” – Portraits by New Orleans photographer Zack Smith A solo show at 3 Ring Circus, opening White Linen Night, New Orleans,LA August 4th TIME: 6-9pm MUSICAL GUESTS: 9-midnight -Luke Allen (of Happy Talk Band) solo set-The Other Planets “Street corners. Parking lots. My backyard. Your backyard. Under abanana canopy; photographs of strangers… Read More »“None a Stranger” – Portraits by New Orleans photographer Zack Smith

Special Thanks

The Photo Alliance wants to thank Ed Richards of Baton Rouge for his generous donation of 2 beautiful Cambo monorail 4×5 cameras, a professional Bogen tripod and a number of film holders. We will be looking to make these cameras functional when we locate some lenses, and make them available to Photo Alliance members for… Read More »Special Thanks

Keith Carter Workshop at the Darkroom

Gumbo Ya-Ya with Keith Carter Would you like to develop a personal style, strengthen your original vision, and broaden the way you think about photography? This weekend workshop will help serious amateur and professional photographers find more passion in their work by exploring the narrative, aesthetic, and emotional aspects of image making. Through studying the… Read More »Keith Carter Workshop at the Darkroom

Identity: Call for Photographs

PRC’s Shotgun Show Opens Friday

Click on image to enlarge.

NOVA Projects Call for Submissions

NOVA Projects online artists registryCall for Submissions!Call to New Orleans Visual Artists. Juried by JeanetteIngberman, Exit Art founding director. Show opensOctober at Barrister’s Gallery in conjunction with Artfor Art’s Sake. Submission deadline August 1st, 2007. visit for more info andsubmission guidlines