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Photo Alliance News

Good news: Selections from the work of New Orleans photographers will appear in LensWork Extended #71 (July-August, 2007). Big thanks go to Victoria Ryan who initiated this opportunity, then spent countless hours organizing the group submission. Lenswork Extended is their comprehensive dvd supplement to the print publication, and the New Orleans feature will include both… Read More »Photo Alliance News

Meeting Thursday, June 7

There will be a New Orleans Photo Alliance meeting tomorrow night. Thursday, June 77pmat The Security Center146 Carondolet St, at the corner of Common Please arrive promptly, as we need to have a scurity guard let us into the side entrance on Common St. Thanks!

“Regards sur la Nouvelle Orleans/Visions of New Orleans”

“Regards sur la Nouvelle Orleans”, a photographic exibition featuring 3 French photographers and 9 New Orleans photographers which was sponsored by the French Ministry of Culture and curated by John Lawrence, is currently on view in Paris. In July the exhibit will be shown at the US Embassy there, to coincide with their July 4… Read More »“Regards sur la Nouvelle Orleans/Visions of New Orleans”

Marketing Workshop for Photographers

Ever since the Vision/Re-vision opening last December we’ve been talking with juror Jean Caslin, former director of Houston Center for Photography, about coming back to New Orleans with her arts consulting partner Diane Gregory to present their Marketing Workshop for Photographers to our members. We are excited to announce that they will be coming here… Read More »Marketing Workshop for Photographers

Fundraiser Exceeds Expectations

The first Photo Alliance Fundraiser was a resounding success. We raised more than $10K and gained 17 new members, including two at the Silver level, one Bromide and one Platinum! Many thanks to everyone who donated work, attended the event and volunteered. It was a group effort for which we should all feel proud. Special… Read More »Fundraiser Exceeds Expectations

Free Ink!!

Donn Young has some Epson 2000P ink up for grabs, both color and B&W. If someone has a printer or need they are welcome to it. If interested contact Donn:

Nearly New Canon Equipment For Sale

Anybody looking for a CANON RS-80N3 REMOTE SWITCH ,CANON 18-55 EF LENS and a CANON BG-E2 BATTERY GRIP?All pretty much have not been used. The lens was used , but not really. Contact Eric Paul Julien

Rejoice! The Rebirthing of Our Culture

Rejoice! The Rebirthing of Our Culture If you make it out to the Fairgrounds be sure to check out The Jazz Fest Photography Exhibition presented annually in the Grandstand. This year, the theme is images that reflect the rebirth of our diverse culture since Katrina and Rita. Long-standing traditions and celebrations were threatened in multiple… Read More »Rejoice! The Rebirthing of Our Culture