Nobechi Creative Workshop Internship Application
Deadline to apply for summer: Monday, May 31, 11:59 PM CST
Internships run June 10-August 20, 2021
Rolling application for the fall semester
Nobechi Creative is looking for passionate, driven, learners who are interested in bringing their photography to the next level while working with a fast-paced remote team. Nobechi Creative is one of the leading online photography workshop communities and is seeking an intern who is committed to learning photography. Participation in all workshops is required.
The role of the intern outside of the classroom will be to assist in workshop production and administration, brand development and marketing and help with misc projects. Responsibilities include editing recordings of classes in Premiere Pro, coordinating workshop schedules across platforms, sending info to students for upcoming workshops and building out assets in Squarespace. The intern will also help monitor the Evenings With the Masters sessions and register new viewers.
Outside of workshops, an average of 5 hours of work a week (about 1 hour a day) will be necessary to complete tasks. This may include setting up a welcome package, designing a page on Square space or helping design promotional content for social channels and the website. The intern reports directly to Workshop Managers Danny Allegretti or Fernanda De Icaza, with special involvement from Creative Director George Nobechi. Support from the New Orleans Photo Alliance staff will be available.
An ideal candidate has a photography or art interest and background, possesses a portfolio of work that demonstrates their photographic style and/or is pursuing a degree in photography or curatorial studies. Some experience in Google Suite, Squarespace, and the Adobe Creative Suite is required.
- Edit Class videos in Premiere Pro
- Design Media in Photoshop (Images for workshops and slides for videos)
- Manage and organize Dropbox assets
- Attend Workshop sessions
- Build out Squarespace Pages and content
- Check Social Media sites, focusing on the development of Pinterest and Circle
- Help with sign ups for workshops and EWTM
- Assist in monitoring participants for Evenings with the Masters
- Working on YouTube Channel, adding students to videos and helping develop content
- Proficiency at software: Adobe Creative Suite, Dropbox, Zoom, Squarespace, YouTube
- Social Media experience a plus
- Excellent communication skills
- Desire to learn photography
- Community-oriented