NOPA founder and friend Owen Murphy will be teaching a TWO day Darkroom Workshop at Scott Edwards Gallery on February 15 and 16th.
Day one will concentrate on exposure and film development.
Day two will be divided into a morning printing session and an afternoon printing session, each session lasting 4 hours.
This workshop is limited to 4 people.
Fee – $250 –all chemicals will be supplied
(attendees will need to supply their own paper & film)
The darkroom printing sessions will be divided to allow complete supervision of two photographers at a time. The fee includes an additional 4 hours of darkroom time to used by the attendees at a later date.
Topics covered will include the critical aspects of film development (time, temperature, agitation) and best practices for making quality B/W prints (contact prints, test strips, print agitations, toning and washing/drying).
A $100 deposit will be required.
Please contact Scott Edwards Gallery for information or to sign up.
(504) 610-0581