Image by Alissa Eberle, from the series “Cats”
PhotoNOMA: One Night, One Hundred Photographers!
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Free and open to the public
New Orleans Museum of Art
One Collins C. Diboll Circle
City Park
The New Orleans Photo Alliance, in partnership with the New Orleans Museum of Art, is proud to present PhotoNOMA, a photographers portfolio night at the New Orleans Museum of Art. The popular one-night-only exhibition will feature 100 photographers displaying their work for a community walk through.
PhotoNOMA is growing into a regional event with photographers traveling in from Texas, Mississippi and several outlying Louisiana locales to participate. A broad range of work will be on display, covering almost every genre and technique; including landscapes, commercial portraiture, street photography, wet plate collodion work and even an exposé on cockfighting.
The exhibiting photographers are:
Karen Allayaud
Renee Allie
Roman Alokhin
Amber Alvarad
David Armentor
Bob Balkan
Jennifer Blanchard
Francesca Bontempi
Mike Brouphy
Morris Brum
Laura Bruno
Laura Burlton
Kichea Burt
Ronnie Cardwell
Omar Casimire
Joseph Crachiola
Darcy Culp
Laura D’Alessandro
Zé daLuz
Arnaud Daval
Julie Dermansky
Charlotte Diem
Jed Diem
Paul Douglas
Tish Douzart
Alissa Eberle
Kimberly Edwards
Shawn Escoffery
Dwayne Fatherree
Esther Garcia
Maja Georgiou
Joey Gidseg
LJ Goldstein
Ed Hammerli
Antonio Henriquez
David Hoang
Stephanie Houseal
Jared Howerton
Rush Jagoe
Mercedes Jelinek
Jim Thorns
David Jones
Emily Kincke
Robby Klein
Kevin Kline
Shannon Kolvitz
Stacy Kranitz
Bonnie Landry
Rebecca Lang
Brenna Larson
Simone Laurent
Sarah Lim
George Long
James Macaluso
Lynn Magnuson
Jan Marino
Steve Martin
Marsha Masterson
Kristy May
Dana McGarty
Ray Mikell
Bernard Mitchell
Jill Moore
Jerry Moran
Ethan Moses
Alex Nassar
Craig Nero
Lake Newton
Pamela O’Malley
Amee Palazzolo
Perry Papadopoulos
Michelle Parish
Erika Parker
Samuel Portera
Betty Press
Edward Richards
Brittany Roberts
Celine Roggemans
Chad Ross
Euphus Ruth
Carlos Salazar
Karla Marie San Martín
Natasha Sanchez
Scott Schexnaydre
Charlsie Shaver
Charles Silver
Daniel Smith
Gary Smith
Dana Statton
Erica Stavis
Scott Stewart
Zoe Sullivan
Kelly Tate
Christina Terry
Whitney Thomas
Laurie Thompson
Olga Trigo
Cathy Waugh
Lesley Wells
Francis Wong
Dennis Yermoshin