New Orleans Photo Alliance invites photographers to exhibit their latest work in the 2010 PUSH PIN SHOW. All that is required is current membership in NOPA, a $5 entry fee (waived for those who join or renew the day of), and up to 650 square inches of your best photography. (That’s equivalent to two 16×20’s.) Showcase your latest work, admire the work of other local photographers and exhibit in the beautiful Homespace gallery.
Push Pin Show & Renewal Rendezvous
Homespace Gallery
Sept 11, 2010
Push: 4-7pm
Opening: 7-9pm
Exhibition Closes: Oct 2, 2010
Take-down day: Oct 3, 2010
You will attach your prints directly to the wall with push pins; no framing required!
Wall space will be filled on a first come, first served basis beginning at 4pm on Saturday, September 11.
The exhibition will open to the public at 7pm, in conjunction with St. Claude Arts District openings.
The PUSH PIN SHOW will remain on view until October 2, 2010.
Pins and index cards for print information will be provided by NOPA. Work can be loose, matted, or behind plastic sleeves – it’s up to you. The Push Pin show offers photographers a chance to exhibit in a fun and casual way, while getting to know fellow members of the photographic community during the free form collective hanging process.
Participants will need to take down their prints on Sunday, Oct 3, from 12-3pm.
Homespace Gallery
1128 St. Roch Ave
New Orleans, LA
For more information contact Owen Murphy: