Update on Rebirth Workshops – they have available at least three grants for the workshop: 1 – $2,000, 1- $1000, and 1 – $500.
What are the grants? Who is eligible?
The Creativity Grants are cash awards provided to help the recipients pursue any creative endeavor they wish. All photographers who attend the Rebirth Workshop & Retreat are eligible to apply. We will be distributing three grants: (1) $2000 award, (1) $1000 award, and (1) $500 award. Each grant will go to a different applicant, enabling a total of three people to receive funding.
How do I apply?
After attending Rebirth all you have to do is answer three questions and submit them to us by April 30 — four weeks after the workshop. The questions are meant to help you analyze your own creative journey.
1. What were your expectations of creativity, art, and your own life before attending Rebirth?
2. What are they after having attended Rebirth? Have they changed? Have they been reinforced?
3. In what ways will you commit to leading a more creative life? How will you encourage others to do the same?