National Call for Entries: National Cell Phone Photography Exhibition
Southeastern Louisiana University
Department of Visual Arts,
Hammond LA 70402
The Southeastern Contemporary Art Gallery on the Southeastern Louisiana
University Campus is now accepting images taken with the cameras in cell
phones. This national photography exhibition is open to everyone with a cell
phone and all artwork submitted will be shown that follows the exhibition
guidelines. Images must be taken with a cell phone camera and may only
be manipulated with a cell phone application. No Photoshop or any other
photography manipulation program.
An online exhibition will be linked to the Department of Visual Arts,
Gallery page.
Aug. 30th Submission Deadline – Entries due via email or mailed in prints.
Sept. 9th Exhibition Opens
Sept. 25th Exhibition Closes
Rules and Guidelines:
1. Entry Fee: There is on entry fee if you mail in your photo entries. If you
email your entry there will be a $10 fee for up to 3 images. The entry fee will
go toward the cost of printing the photographs that are submitted online.
2.To send entries via email:
1. On line submissions are to be sent to, with the subject line of national cell phone show. In the
body of the email, number each image so that it matches the number on the
attached file. For each image submitted provide the title, where the photo
was taken, date and your contact information; your name, address, city,
state, zip code and telephone number.
3. Image Formatting: Image files should be 1600 x 1200 pixels
at 72dpi, saved in the JPEG format on the maximum quality setting.
4. Labeling Files: Label each file with consecutive numbers followed by your
last name, title of image.
5. Mailing Images: If you are mailing printed images make sure that
they are printed as 5” x 7” images, printed on photo paper. Mail images in
an envelope supported by cardboard. Mail to: Dale Newkirk Director,
Southeastern Contemporary Art Gallery, Southeastern Louisiana
University, SLU 10765, and Hammond Louisiana, 70402
The exhibition is open to amateurs and professional artists
nationally. All artwork in the submitted for the exhibition must have been
taken with the camera within a cell phone with NO PHOTOSHOP or any other
manipulation or effects. Images are to be full frame, not cropped in anyway.
The Contemporary Art Gallery is part of a public funded university campus
with a broad range of ethnic and social backgrounds, which must be
respected. With this in mind artworks the curator reserve the right to not
show any artwork that is determined to be inappropriate by way of content
or image for an exhibition in a university art gallery.
Questions: Contact Dale Newkirk at or phone the gallery at