The 7th Annual Black and White Spider Awards, an international competition for black and white photography, is offering two-images-for-the-price-of-one entry fees for individuals who submit their work by the early entry deadline of Friday, Aug. 26.
An additional 10 percent will be taken off for members of photographic organizations, including the New Orleans Photo Alliance. The regular single-photo entry fee is $35 for professionals, and $30 for amateurs, who are not members of any photo societies or groups. “Professional” is defined for the awards as anyone whose sole occupation and full income derives exclusively from photography, while “amateur” is defined as everyone else.
Less generous discounts will still be available for entrants who make the competition’s early closing deadline of Friday, Oct. 21. You can read more about these at the festival website. The final deadline is Friday, Dec. 16
The competition includes 132 title awards. The awards show will be broadcast online on Sunday, May 15, 2012.
Image: Photo by the winner of the 6th Annual Spider Awards’ Outstanding Achievement in Fashion, George Meyer of Russia.