Slideluck Potshow is proud to announce Women’s Work, a collaboration with Ladies Lotto that will be taking place in Los Angeles on March 27th, during Women’s Awareness Month. At this multimedia slideshow and potluck dinner, artists from around the world will present work that illuminates aspects of the contemporary female experience.
This will be our first issue-based event and will explore the current state of women’s lives – from the inspiring success stories to the profound adversities. In doing so, our aim is to celebrate the positive developments and to create dialog and awareness about the issues women face globally.
If you are interested in submitting a project to Women’s Work, or know an artist who should, guidelines can be found here and the submission deadline is Monday, February 15th. We will be on the lookout for creative, unexpected and incisive treatments of numerous subjects. If you are interested in sponsoring or getting involved with this event, please let us know! There are a number of exciting facets to this project that we will be integrating in the coming weeks.