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The Polaroid Paparazzi

Many thanks to Jason Langley, one of the artists featured in Toy Stories(and a new Photo Alliance member!) who photographed the opening with his Polaroid and sent us the images to share.

Toy Stories Opening Reception on Saturday

The New Orleans Photo Alliance is pleased to present “TOY STORIES: HI-BROW PHOTOS FROM LOW-FI CAMERAS,” an exhibition of 36 images that represent the world as seen by photographers using toy and homemade cameras with their inherent light leaks, fuzzy edges, and quirky perspectives. “Toy Stories” will be on view from February 16, 2008 until… Read More »Toy Stories Opening Reception on Saturday

Death of Polaroid and other bad news

Of late I have been distressed over the lack of digital processing fees paid in New Orleans and then I get even worse news… First, NYC has passed a law whereby if you are shooting in the city with anything more than a handheld camera, (i.e. you set up a tripod!) you need a permit.… Read More »Death of Polaroid and other bad news


I would like to extend an invitation to any memberswho are interested in being on the ProgrammingCommittee to attend a meeting this Wednesday, Feb. 13at 7:00 p.m. at the NOPA Gallery, 1111 St. Mary St. The Programming Committee is responsible fordeveloping exhibitions, educational events, publicforums, and exchange programs with other similarinstitutions. In order to reach… Read More »PROGRAMMING COMMITTEE MEETING

Call for Submission: Jazz Fest Photography Exhibition 2008

Call for Submission: Jazz Fest Photography Exhibition 2008Celebrate! New Orleans Cultures Photographers are invited to submit works for the Jazz Fest Photography Exhibition presented in the Grandstand. This year, we are looking for images that illustrate the diversity of New OrleansÅf cultures, as families, neighborhoods and communities come together to celebrate their cherished traditions. A… Read More »Call for Submission: Jazz Fest Photography Exhibition 2008

PBS Request for Pre K Images & Videos, Lower 9th Ward

From Gwendolyn Dixon: I’m working on a documentary project for PBS Frontline that is scheduled to air nationally in April 2008 — The program is tracing the recovery and rebuilding process in New Orleans and the Gulf Coast. We´ve been searching for archival material (VIDEO and PHOTOS) to help tell the story and are trying… Read More »PBS Request for Pre K Images & Videos, Lower 9th Ward

Toy Stories Opens Feb. 16

“Sold Mah Soul” by Matthew Yates Please plan to join us on Saturday, Feb 16th for the opening of our next exhibition, “Toy Stories,” a group show juried by Susan Burnstine. Featuring 36 “low tech” images, the selection ranges from plastic camera work to pinholes taken in a diaper box, including work by Frances Billes,… Read More »Toy Stories Opens Feb. 16

Meeting This Thursday

Please plan to attend our February meeting which will take place this week. Most of the old and new officers will be present, so it will be a great chance to meet and greet and discuss the future of the Alliance. Thursday, Feb 7. 7pmPhoto Alliance Gallery1111 St. Mary St.Nola 70130