Clarence John Laughlin Award Grantee and Finalist Archive
The New Orleans Photo Alliance is pleased to announce the names of the 14 finalists for the 2013 Clarence John Laughlin Award. Julie Anand and Damon Sauer (Phoenix AR) Julie Anand and Damon Sauer: Calibration Mark AD49 Jeremiah Ariaz (Baton Rouge LA) Jeremiah Ariaz: Fact and Fiction-20 JT Blatty (New Orleans LA) JT Blatty: Fishtown… Read More »Clarence John Laughlin Award Finalists Announced
The New Orleans Photo Alliance (NOPA) is extending the deadline for submissions for the Clarence John Laughlin Award until July 27th 2013. The annual $5000 award recognizes a fine art photographer who is creating or has completed a significant body of photographic work.The Clarence John Laughlin Award grants one $5000 prize annually to a photographer… Read More »Clarence John Laughlin Award Submission Deadline Extended until July 27, 2013
Worth noting: The deadline for applications for NOPA’s 2013 Clarence John Laughlin Award–Saturday, July 20–is quickly approaching. The annually granted honor, created to recognize and reward a fine art photographer who is creating or has completed a significant body of photographic work, includes a $5,000 prize. The award, instituted by NOPA in 2010, was created as… Read More »Deadline for Clarence John Laughlin Award is Sat., July 20
The New Orleans Photo Alliance (NOPA) has announced plans for its 2013 Clarence John Laughlin Award, an annually granted honor created to recognized and reward a fine art photographer who is creating or has completed a significant body of photographic work. The award includes a $5,000 prize. The award, instituted by NOPA in 2010, was created… Read More »NOPA details plans for 2013 Clarence John Laughlin Award
Congratulations to the ten finalists selected by juror Deborah Klochko for NOPA’s 2012 Clarence John Laughlin Award. Anne Berry Aaron Blum Lee Deigaard Francisco Diaz Meggan Gould Priya Kambli Deborah Luster Wallace Merritt S. Gayle Stevens Maggie Taylor
The New Orleans Photo Alliance (NOPA) is pleased to announce its offering of its annual $5,000 Clarence John Laughlin Award to recognize and reward a fine art photographer who is creating or has completed a significant body of photographic work. The application deadline is Friday, July 20. The award grants one $5,000 prize annually to a… Read More »NOPA Seeking Entrants for $5000 Clarence John Laughlin Award
Congratulations to the ten finalists for the 2011 Clarence John Laughlin Award: Angela Bacon-Kidwell, Chris Bennett, Aaron Blum, Rachael Jablo, Isa Leshko, Neil Loughlin, Donna Pinckley, Kathleen Robbins, Joni Sternbach and Anderson Wrangle . George Slade is the juror for NOPA’s second annual $5000 award for fine art photography. The winner will be announced on… Read More »Clarence John Laughlin Award Finalists
Final reminder: NOPA is accepting submissions for our annual Clarence John Laughlin Award till 11:59pm CST on Thursday, September 1, 2011. Juror: George Slade Guidelines here. Apply online here. Helpful hints: Firefox internet browsers seem to work best with the EntryThingy submission system. If you log in to EntryThingy and see Poydras Home Show, please… Read More »Deadline Sept 1 for $5000 Clarence John Laughlin Award